After a while, Zi collected the things in his hand and slightly raised his head. His eyes, devoid of sorrow or joy, swept over the black people in the courtyard. They all held their breath. As professional assassins, they sensed danger in an instant and instinctively took defensive postures. Suddenly, a light chuckle broke the tense atmosphere.,Zhou's momentum had completely dissipated in an instant. If he had just been perceived by others as a level-ten threat, now he appeared more like a street thug, a complete change of persona.,The old housekeeper thought this, and she became even more displeased with the young mistress. As for the servants, they were originally sent by the second mistress to gather information. Seeing the head butler's anger now, they took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire. Offending the old housekeeper would be enough to make this young mistress suffer for half a pot! Hmph!。